19 th C Butcher's Exterior Shop Sign of a wooden Steer Head covered with polychromed weathered lead by Artista Desconocido
19 th C Butcher's Exterior Shop Sign of a wooden Steer Head covered with polychromed weathered lead by Artista Desconocido
19 th C Butcher's Exterior Shop Sign of a wooden Steer Head covered with polychromed weathered lead by Artista Desconocido
19 th C Butcher's Exterior Shop Sign of a wooden Steer Head covered with polychromed weathered lead by Artista Desconocido
19 th C Butcher's Exterior Shop Sign of a wooden Steer Head covered with polychromed weathered lead by Artista Desconocido
19 th C Butcher's Exterior Shop Sign of a wooden Steer Head covered with polychromed weathered lead by Artista Desconocido
19 th C Butcher's Exterior Shop Sign of a wooden Steer Head covered with polychromed weathered lead by Artista Desconocido
19 th C Butcher's Exterior Shop Sign of a wooden Steer Head covered with polychromed weathered lead by Artista Desconocido
19 th C Butcher's Exterior Shop Sign of a wooden Steer Head covered with polychromed weathered lead by Artista Desconocido
19 th C Butcher's Exterior Shop Sign of a wooden Steer Head covered with polychromed weathered lead by Artista Desconocido
19 th C Butcher's Exterior Shop Sign of a wooden Steer Head covered with polychromed weathered lead by Artista Desconocido
19 th C Butcher's Exterior Shop Sign of a wooden Steer Head covered with polychromed weathered lead by Artista Desconocido
19 th C Butcher's Exterior Shop Sign of a wooden Steer Head covered with polychromed weathered lead by Artista Desconocido
19 th C Butcher's Exterior Shop Sign of a wooden Steer Head covered with polychromed weathered lead by Artista Desconocido
19 th C Butcher's Exterior Shop Sign of a wooden Steer Head covered with polychromed weathered lead by Artista Desconocido
19 th C Butcher's Exterior Shop Sign of a wooden Steer Head covered with polychromed weathered lead by Artista Desconocido
19 th C Butcher's Exterior Shop Sign of a wooden Steer Head covered with polychromed weathered lead by Artista Desconocido
19 th C Butcher's Exterior Shop Sign of a wooden Steer Head covered with polychromed weathered lead by Artista Desconocido
19 th C Butcher's Exterior Shop Sign of a wooden Steer Head covered with polychromed weathered lead by Artista Desconocido
19 th C Butcher's Exterior Shop Sign of a wooden Steer Head covered with polychromed weathered lead by Artista Desconocido

19 th C Butcher's Exterior Shop Sign of a wooden Steer Head covered with polychromed weathered lead 1880 - 1900

Artista Desconocido

55 ⨯ 45 ⨯ 93 cm
€ 5.900

Spectandum Gallery

  • Sobre la obra de arte
    Antique French wooden steer's head, used as the exterior sign of a butcher’s shop (in French they would call it a Boucherie). The sign must be over a hundred years old, still has his original paint, a great patina, and nice age cracks. The horns, the underside of the chin, and the middle of the head are painted in ivory white and the rest of the bull's head is covered in a brown-reddish color. Considering its age, the external usage, and the fact that it survived two World Wars, it's in pretty good shape.
  • Sobre el artista

    Puede suceder que un artista o creador sea desconocido.

    Algunas obras no deben determinarse por quién está hecho o por (un grupo de) artesanos. Algunos ejemplos son estatuas de la Antigüedad, muebles, espejos o firmas que no son claras o legibles, pero también algunas obras no están firmadas en absoluto.

    También puedes encontrar la siguiente descripción:

    •"Atribuido a …." En su opinión, probablemente una obra del artista, al menos en parte.

    •“Estudio de….” o “Taller de” En su opinión, una obra ejecutada en el estudio o taller del artista, posiblemente bajo su supervisión

    •“Círculo de…” En su opinión, una obra del período del artista que muestra su influencia, estrechamente asociado con el artista pero no necesariamente su alumno.

    •"Estilo de …." o “Seguidor de…”. En su opinión, una obra ejecutada al estilo del artista pero no necesariamente por un alumno; puede ser contemporáneo o casi contemporáneo

    •"Manera de …." En su opinión una obra al estilo del artista pero de fecha posterior

    •"Después …." En su opinión, una copia (de cualquier fecha) de una obra del artista

    •“Firmado…”, “Fechado…” o “Inscrito” En su opinión, la obra ha sido firmada/fechada/inscrita por el artista. La adición de un signo de interrogación indica un elemento de duda.

    •“Con firma…”, “Con fecha…”, “Con inscripción…” o “Lleva firma/fecha/inscripción” en su opinión la firma/fecha/inscripción ha sido añadida por alguien que no es el artista

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