Blow my Mind II by James Chiew
Blow my Mind II by James Chiew
Blow my Mind II by James Chiew
Blow my Mind II by James Chiew
Blow my Mind II by James Chiew
Blow my Mind II by James Chiew
Blow my Mind II by James Chiew
Blow my Mind II by James Chiew

Blow my Mind II 2023

James Chiew

EpoxyAluminioPigmentoEl plasticoPintura de aceiteMetalAcrilatoPintura
150 ⨯ 100 cm
€ 8.500

CJS Gallery

  • Sobre la obra de arte
    Artist: James Chiew
    Title: Blow my mind II
    Technique:  aluminium / goldleaf / mixed media / high gloss resin
    Size: 150x100cm
    Edition: 15

    "Blow My Mind II" - A Captivating Fusion of Form and Symbolism

    In the realm of contemporary art, where boundaries are constantly blurred and unconventionality reigns supreme, "Blow My Mind" stands as a beacon of creativity and intrigue. This captivating sculpture, meticulously crafted from mixed media, epoxy, and golden leaf, embodies a harmonious blend of form and symbolism, inviting viewers to embark on a journey of intellectual exploration and visual delight.

    At its core, "Blow My Mind II" presents a striking contrast between the men's structured, formal attire and her ephemeral, cloud-like head. This juxtaposition serves as a powerful metaphor for the duality of human existence, highlighting the interplay between our grounded realities and the boundless realms of our imaginations. The men's stoic demeanor, conveyed through her tailored suit and composed posture, suggests a sense of control and rationality. Yet, her cloud-like head, a kaleidoscope of vibrant hues, alludes to the uncontainable power of dreams, emotions, and the subconscious.

    The artist's masterful use of mixed media, epoxy, and golden leaf further enhances the artwork's symbolic depth. The smooth, polished surface of the epoxy evokes a sense of resilience and strength, while the subtle imperfections and irregularities in the mixed media elements hint at the fragility and unpredictability of the human spirit. The golden leaf, meticulously applied in intricate patterns, adds an element of luxury and opulence, signifying the inherent value of the human mind and its boundless potential.

    With its limited edition of only 15 pieces worldwide, "Blow My Mind" is not merely a sculpture; it is a testament to the boundless creativity and innovation that define the contemporary art landscape. Each piece stands as a unique expression of the artist's vision, inviting collectors to not only admire its aesthetic beauty but also engage with its profound symbolism.

    As viewers gaze upon "Blow My Mind," they are compelled to confront the duality of their own existence, the interplay between their structured exterior and their ever-evolving inner world. The sculpture challenges us to question the boundaries between rationality and imagination, between control and surrender. It encourages us to embrace the boundless possibilities of our minds, to let our thoughts soar like the vibrant clouds above.

    "Blow My Mind" is more than just a sculpture; it is an invitation to embark on a journey of self-discovery, a testament to the transformative power of art to challenge perspectives and expand horizons. It is a reminder that within our minds lies a universe of possibilities, waiting to be explored and embraced.
  • Sobre el artista

    Para el artista James Chiew, nada sucede por casualidad. Todas sus expresiones creativas nacen de su enorme afán de experimentación e innovación. En sus versátiles obras de medios mixtos, el autodidacta originario de Singapur siempre traspasa los límites. Esto se refleja en sus ideas y la elección de los materiales. De manera idiosincrásica y original, James combina imágenes y objetos (fotográficos) con diferentes materiales, como madera, metal, pintura acrílica, epoxi y todo lo que es posible.

    Al hacerlo, mezcla técnicas gráficas modernas con métodos clásicos y materiales análogos.
    James Chiew: “La era digital ofrece oportunidades sin precedentes. Me gusta experimentar, porque siempre estoy buscando nuevos ángulos. El desafío para mí es tratar de lograr lo imposible. Quiero hacer las cosas más hermosas. Eso a menudo comienza en mi entorno inmediato.

    Objetos cotidianos en casa y en el estudio que trato de mostrar de una manera especial. Proxenetando objetos, hago que la gente los mire de manera diferente y piense en ellos”. Sus obras de arte siempre tienen mucha profundidad: literal y figurativamente descubres varias capas en sus obras.

    La fotografía solo ha sido la base para James Chiew durante algunos años y resultó ser el comienzo de su nuevo período. La cámara y el material fotográfico le ofrecen perspectivas inéditas, que inmediatamente dieron como resultado su obra más reconocida hasta la fecha: Beatrix 3-D. En 2013, fue invitado a la exposición 'Beeld van Beatrix' en Paleis Het Loo y Paleis Soestdijk en honor al 75 cumpleaños de Beatrix.

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