Dreaming of flying by Leo Bengtson
Dreaming of flying by Leo Bengtson
Dreaming of flying by Leo Bengtson
Dreaming of flying by Leo Bengtson
Dreaming of flying by Leo Bengtson
Dreaming of flying by Leo Bengtson
Dreaming of flying by Leo Bengtson
Dreaming of flying by Leo Bengtson
Dreaming of flying by Leo Bengtson
Dreaming of flying by Leo Bengtson
Dreaming of flying by Leo Bengtson
Dreaming of flying by Leo Bengtson
Dreaming of flying by Leo Bengtson
Dreaming of flying by Leo Bengtson
Dreaming of flying by Leo Bengtson
Dreaming of flying by Leo Bengtson
Dreaming of flying by Leo Bengtson
Dreaming of flying by Leo Bengtson
Dreaming of flying by Leo Bengtson
Dreaming of flying by Leo Bengtson
Dreaming of flying by Leo Bengtson
Dreaming of flying by Leo Bengtson
Dreaming of flying by Leo Bengtson
Dreaming of flying by Leo Bengtson

Dreaming of flying 2023

Leo Bengtson

100 ⨯ 120 ⨯ 3 cm
€ 6.000

Art de Vivre Gallery and Design

  • Sobre la obra de arte
    Dreaming of flying

    Acrylic paint on canvas
  • Sobre el artista

    Recién instalado en París, Leo Bengtson es un joven artista apasionado por el arte y los viajes, que en su obra mezcla la arquitectura y el Pop Art de Andy Warhol para crear obras poderosas, sobrias y vivaces al mismo tiempo. O el espectador inmerso en un universo sofisticado y colorido que evoca el savoir vivre y el movimiento de la Arquitectura del Paisaje.

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