Saga by Edo Kaaij
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Saga 2024

Edo Kaaij

130 ⨯ 110 ⨯ 4 cm
€ 5.850

Villa del Arte Galleries

  • Sobre la obra de arte
    Edo Kaaij’s unique style is a fascinating blend of the figurative and abstract merging successfully to create a new approach to the human face. Figures present the illusion of moving through blocks of colour, peeking out of the canvas and delicately reflecting light. “I’m always looking for a balance between the contrast of abstract and figurative form in my work, whereby I often let the subject prevail.” His paintings transmit the beauty and kindness he sees in people around him. A skilled mix of pallet knife and warm subdued colours build layered textures.
    This Dutch painter lives and works in Amsterdam. Its vibrant energy, historical architecture and the enormous cultural diversity of its inhabitants are a constant source of inspiration.
    Edo has loved and lived to paint since his early childhood working alongside his grandfather, the Dutch naïve artist Cornelis Kaaij. He has since gone on to successfully exhibit at various European art galleries and countless international art fairs such as Art Karlsruhe and Contemporary Istanbul.
  • Sobre el artista

    El estilo único de Edo Kaaij es una mezcla fascinante de lo figurativo y lo abstracto que se fusionan con éxito para crear un nuevo enfoque del rostro humano.

    Las figuras presentan la ilusión de moverse a través de bloques de color, asomando del lienzo y reflejando delicadamente la luz. "Siempre busco un equilibrio entre el contraste de la forma abstracta y figurativa en mi trabajo, por lo que a menudo dejo que el tema prevalezca".

    Sus pinturas transmiten la belleza y la bondad que ve en las personas que lo rodean. Una hábil combinación de espátula y colores cálidos y tenues crean texturas en capas.

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